Kamis, 12 November 2015

What I hate The Most

Man :
"Tell me, what do you hate the most?"

Woman :
"What I hate the most?

Man :
"yes dear or anything that you hate"

Woman :
"When I act wrong and didn't have a chance to fix. Even if I could, 
everything is different"

Man "
"Ok, well said. Just keep positive."

Woman :
"Cause I keep positive and accepting everything that happens
in my life. That's the way I can still see you today.
Hahaha...Sounds like a poem."

Man :
"Hahaha...Sounds like it"

Woman :
"I hope you always happy. Abundantly."

Man :
"To be honest. I am happier than ever because of you.
I do also hope you are happy"

Woman :
"Yes, I do"

Man :
"Even if we're far away from each other.
It feels like you're near me."

Note : 20:20 - 10'9'15.

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