Sabtu, 13 April 2013

Hari Ke 13 April

"Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad" .... Henry W Longfellow

Seeing people changes isn't what hurt. What hurt is remembering how they used to be

When you close with somebody, you may think she/he is the best one, but you have no idea for sometime she/he leaving you without any notice

All people will remembering you when you is famous, but when have people remember you when you alone and lonely, he/she is your special

You know, it's so easy to fade all your mess and saddest fell with music by earphone in your ears and all people loked you like happy girl

Write what you feel isn't help you making everything more easy and better, sometime it's make you feel more worst than before

Jadi memang benar, kita sering mencintai seseorang secara bodoh, dan menyakiti orang yang mencintai kita secara bodoh juga

Don't trust for the people who so easy say LOVE, what we need just one word, PROVE it,
 and i'll believe you

Biar seberapa kuat aku melewatinya, tetaplah aku mengisinya dengan potongan-potongan yang tidak utuh

My pen and paper will always speak louder and truer than my lips ever can

Sometime you gotta laugh through the tears, smile through the pain so that you can live through the sorrow

Bila seseorang bermaksud berpaling darimu, biarlah ia pergi, bila kamu cukup berarti baginya, ia tidak akan pergi...sesederhana itu...

Semakin tinggi kamu mendaki, semakin jauh kamu memandang, semakin banyak kamu melihat, dan semakin komplek yang kamu rasakan

Bila setiap malam aku menyempatkan diri untuk berucap "malam" dan bangun berucap "pagi" untukmu, itu karena kamu berarti dimataku

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