Rabu, 02 Mei 2018


Kebahagianku, kamu.
Cinta murniku, kamu.
Pelukan tulus itu, kamu.
Tanpa tanya ketika mengusap air mataku,
Itu tangan mungilmu.

Menggandeng tanganmu, kebahagiaanku.
Ya, aku bangga memilikimu.
Tuhan terlalu baik,
Tak biarkan kesendirian membunuhku.

Jangan menjadi dewasa terlalu cepat,
tubuh ini masih ingin merasakan
pelukanmu disaat kamu terlelap.

My half soul it's you my lil Angel.

Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Dini Hari

"Bukankah lebih baik hati ini yang merasa daripada mata ini yang melihat?
Aku benar bukan?

"Cobalah mendengarkan sesuatu yang tidak ingin kau dengar karena semesta tidak akan selamanya memberimu gula untuk kau campur kedalam cangkir kopimu."

"Ini bukan tentang sebanyak apa cerita yang kau ciptakan tapi sebanyak apa rasa yang dapat kau rasa selama perjalanan itu."

Ini hanya tentang iya dan tidak, siap dan tidak siap. Terkadang semesta tidak menerima sesuatu diantaranya.

Note : Poempm

Jumat, 02 Maret 2018

We Need To Accept.

You know,
some of the great things we see
didn't always come from great starts.

Some of us got a group of strong and supportive people
that we love, others got nothing but themselves to prove
that they are worth it.

Some had a clear well-planned goals,
others got to be in the dark for some time
to finally see the silverlining.

So whoever you are,
whatever you do,
change is the only thing we need to accept.

Minggu, 18 Februari 2018

My Angel.

Dan ada begitu banyak cinta didalam sini,
didalam hati saya.
Hanya saja saya selalu berbeda dalam menunjukannya,
menunjukan rasa cinta didalam hati saya.

Dan, saya tahu jika.
Ada hati yang juga mencintai saya
dengan cinta yang murni dan begitu besar.
Memandang saya dengan matanya setiap hari.
Memeluk saya tiba-tiba dan tak terhitung banyaknya.

Dia cinta sejati saya.
Terimakasih Tuhan, telah menjadikan saya sempurna.
Karena hadirnya dia, saya menjadi wanita sempurna dimata dunia.

Dan saya melihat diri saya didalam gerak geriknya.
Saya pun melihat diri saya ketika melihatnya tertawa.
Saya mencintaimu, my lil' Angel.

Just Love This Words

Banyak teori yang membahas
seberapa besar sebenarnya kapasitas otak kita,
tapi tidak ada yang pernah 
membahas kapasitas hati.

Seberapa banyak dan seberapa dalam emosi
yang sebenarnya kuat ditanggung hati kita,
dan seberapa lama,
sampai kita meledak atau menyerah.



Tahukah apa yang paling mudah di ingat
oleh orang lain dari kamu?

Senyuman, ya senyuman adalah hal yang paling mudah orang lain ingat dari dirimu.

Senyuman, cukup mudah untuk menutupi kesedihan.
Semua orang tidak menyukai kesedihan.
Karena itu tersenyumlah.
Hanya cukup tersenyum.

Seorang Ibu Pasti Tahu Ini

Hampir tak ada 
ibu yang tidak pernah berbohong kepada anaknya.

Mengaku sehat padahal sedang sakit.
Berkeras kuat, ketika sebenarnya sedang letih.

Meyakinkan semuanya akan baik-baik saja,
sementara didalam hatinya sendiri
khawatir setengah mati.

Tersenyum lebar
walau perasaannya sedang pedih.


Sabtu, 17 Februari 2018

How it Turns

It's funny how it turns between us.
From a stranger to a lover.
we are separated by distance
but somehow it's fate
which bring us to be together.

We are so different,
yet we could be attracted to each other.
Maybe it's been the conspire of the universe
right from the start.
I thank God for you.

Note :
I love you, Apple.

Rabu, 14 Februari 2018


The most precious gift
you can give to someone
is the gift of your time and attention

Love is an Ability

instead of following the unwritten modern social rule,
which is posting impressive photos and then writing another caption explaining and proving perfection exists in our life through pics on our social media feed,
let's talk about real love.
what is real love?

love, is not a feeling.
Love is an ability.
It's like you love to fly, but you can't.
It takes time to diligently learn and work really hard to be able to do that.

To truly love, you need to learn and go places far out your comfort zone to finally see that the person you love really do feel you love him / her.

Constantly hurting one another is not love,
abusing each other is not love.
Love is not  a feeling.
Love is an abillity that you acquire by opennes,
humility, realization that you can be wrong and that you can change,
acceptance, and consistent efforts and hardwork.

real love should be empowering.
Real love, should be freeing.
Having someone who understands all of this,
is the only thing that I need more than anything.

Note :
Nice words from Marshanda.

Minggu, 28 Januari 2018

I Will Always...

I realize, 
no matter where you are or what you doing or who you with.

I will always honestly, truly, completely love you.

I never wanna hurt you, because it's hurt me too.
I love you so much, Goty.

note : 
Thank you for calls me today.
we get another argue,
but I know there's love growing up up up and up.
between you and me.
hug you tight.
from me, your argue partner.

***listening song "I'll keep you safe" by Sleeping at last

Kamis, 25 Januari 2018

The Fault in Our Stars

“Some people don't understand the promises they're making when they make them," I said.

"Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. 
That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway.” 


“There will come a time when all of us are dead. All of us. 
There will come a time when there are no human beings remaining to remember
 that anyone ever existed or that our species ever did anything. 
There will be no one left to remember Aristotle or Cleopatra, let alone you. 
Everything that we did and built and wrote and thought and discovered will be forgotten 
and all of this will have been for naught.
 Maybe that time is coming soon and maybe it is millions of years away,
 but even if we survive the collapse of our sun, we will not survive forever. 
There was time before organisms experienced consciousness, 
and there will be time after. 
And if the inevitability of human oblivion worries you, 
I encourage you to ignore it.
 God knows that’s what everyone else does.” 


“You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful.” 
― John GreenThe Fault in Our Stars


“But I believe in true love, you know? 
I don't believe that everybody gets to keep their eyes or not get sick or whatever, 
but everybody should have true love, 
and it should last at least as long as your life does.” 
― John GreenThe Fault in Our Stars


“I'm in love with you,
 and I know that love is just a shout into the void,
 and that oblivion is inevitable, 
and that we're all doomed 
and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust,
and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.”