Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

The Little Wolverine

It's just another night
and I'm staring at the moon.
I saw a shooting star
and thought of you.
I sang a lullaby.
By the waterside and knew
if you were here.

I'd sing to you
You're on the other side
As the skyline split in two
I'm miles away from seeing you.
I can see the stars,
From my country.
I wonder, do you see them, too?

So open your eyes and see
The way our horizon meet
and all of the lights will lead
into the night with me

So can you see the stars?
Over your country?
You're the song my heart beating to

Note :

You always know how to make me happy, everyday.
I love you my King.

I see you today wearing blue shirt,
dispensing food for the black one with 2 ears.
I called him little Wolverine

Thank you for a cup of black hot coffee.

*All of the stars by Ed Sheeran

Kamis, 23 Maret 2017

Can I Have You as My Home?

Tuesday - 11.40 pm
March 21

Man :
"I missed our home"

Woman :

Man :
"My dad's house"

Woman :
"why not come and stay over night there"

Man :
"You know,
every night at 10 pm,
I would drink coffee at the garage
sitting near the door.
Mom would come to me and say,
'Son, go to sleep'
( you laughing remember that time )

Woman :
"How old are you when it?

Man :
"From 2000 to 2014"

Woman :
For me, home is..
where love and peace there"

Man :
"I agree"

Woman :
"You are my home,
I found love there"

Note :

Home is warm place.
Home is place we started everything about love.

Parents, lover, friend in life,
laugh, cry, sharing, talking,
thinking, yelling, playing, cuddling.
(even the porn story, hehe)

Can I have you as my home?
It's enough for me.
and we will sit near the garage door,
I'll sit in your lap and share a cup of coffee.

Minggu, 19 Maret 2017

Menyentuh Cinta.

Aku membiarkan waktu,
memberikan beragam kenangan.
Tentang tawa dan banyak hal lainnya.

Banyak hal disana,
tentang manis dan pahit.
Yang terus membuatku yakin,
jika hidup adalah satu hal
yang datang satu kali
dan harus sangat kita syukuri.

Aku merasakan cinta itu,
setiap detik napas ini berhembus.

Terimakasih cinta,
terimakasih Tuhan.
Memberikanku rasa ini.

Seperti sesuatu yang tidak bisa terjabarkan dengan kalimat.
karena terkadang, banyak hal yang hanya membutuhkan
senyuman dan bahasa mata,
tidak perlu dijabarkan lewat rumitnya kata-kata.
Itu sudah melebihi segala cara untuk menjelaskan sesuatu.

Jika didepan sana nanti,
tubuhku mungkin telah mati.
Tapi semua tulisan-tulisan di dalam blog ini,
akan menceritakan banyak hal.

Tidak semua isi didalam blog ini adalah tentang aku,
tapi ini semua adalah tentang bagaimana,
retina mata ini melihat banyak kejadian dalam hidup,
pahit dan manis, suka dan duka.
air mata serta senyum bahagia.

Semuanya aku coba tuangkan dalam kalimat-kalimat di blog ini.
Serupa lagu yang kalian sukai,
seperti nada dan melodi yang kalian sukai.
seperti itulah aku mencoba bercerita.

Tentang bagaimana Tuhan bekerja
dalam rasa cinta yang dia selalu teteskan
didalam hati, jiwa dan kehidupanku.
Terimakasih, Cinta.
Terimakasih, Tuhan.

Sabtu, 18 Maret 2017

I'll (always) Find You

I found this song,
from the original soundtrack "Sore - Istri dari masa depan" movie.

....Part of the song lyric....

"Distance and time leave you honest so they're dancing be our guide"
"All the fears and words send the hope fell the melody"
"I'll find you wherever you go, through the days and night"

"Crawling like the ocean"
"Running to the rainfall"
"Crashing in the time paradox"

Note :

Nice melody and voice.

.... I Miss you, Apple ....
We shared the precious moment, everyday.

You know, I always happy heard your voice
and we talking about a lots of things.

Because God is good,
and Him sending you to me.
and thank you for stay,
and loving me,
I love you.